Friday, November 27, 2009

2 More Days

Well these are the last of the pregnancy photos that I am going to post. It will be nice to post things other than the progress of my belly. At my appointment on Monday nothing more had happened so Sunday is the day that I will be induced. At first I was really dissappointed, but then it was a relief to not worry everyday if this is the day.
These are the sausages I have been walking on for the last few weeks. I think they are pretty funny looking and even though they feel like they will pop sometimes I enjoy looking at them.

Here is me on Turkey Day just 1 day shy of the 38th week mark. We had Jeremy's parents and sister and her husband and baby over. We forgot to take pictures of them. This was my first year hosting Turkey Day. My mother-in-law still prepared the turkey, but I made the pies using my mom's expert recipe. They turned out really well if I do say so myself.

37 weeks along

Here I am 36 weeks along in the babies room.


Larsen said...

It's gonna be so fun to see photos of your girls and you after Sunday becaue of your blog!!

Good luck with delievery and I will be thinking of you. This day has been coming and long awaited for! I miss you and wish I were able to be there with you through this.

all my love,
eagerly awaiting...


Sara said...

your poor little (not really) feet! ;)
I guess you're made to have babies! I can't believe they haven't made their entrance yet! 38 WEEKS. WOW. I know it's getting really old being pregnant, but they are going to be the healthiest little cutie bugs EVER. Can't wait to see them!!

the mortensen's said...

you look great! your ankles and feet look just like Erika's! Yikes! Good luck on Sunday, I can't wait to see pictures:)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! You may have finally surpassed me in size!

Kaylene said...

Good luck Lara! Me and my husband cannot believe you have TWO babies in there. I looked like that with one...

Kaylene said...

PATIENTLY waiting for pictures of your girls!