Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Well at my appointment last week my doctor gave me good and bad news. The good news was that as of Friday the 13th I no longer have to be on bedrest or take any pills and the bad is that he won't induce labor until the 29th of November. I was pretty bummed. Today though I saw the doctor again and I am dialated 1 and 1/2 cm and 60% effaced. I am very happy that I am making some progress towards having these babies. I did get to go to church for the first time in 12 weeks on Sunday, it meant a lot to me. Also I got my hair cut and colored yesterday so I feel like a young person again instead of a gray haired old lady. I will have to post pictures later as the camera is in the car along with everything else we need to go to the hospital. So if anyone is still praying for me to keep these babies in longer, please stop and pray that I go into labor soon.


Larsen said...

OUr prayers will change! Well, the count down is really on. Make a little chain....like you did when you were a kindergardner. It makes things go faster! 10 days.

well done Lara!

Noel Sanders said...

I am so excited for you! You are almost there. It's so worth it - even the lack of sleep that is soon approaching.