Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall Stake Dance

This is our gang at our Stake's Fall Dance. I told everyone to dress western so Jeanne went to DI and bought western shirts, huge belt buckles, and she wore her boots. Needless to say I was in trouble because my pigtails and shirt weren't western enough.Left to Right: Brian & Brianne, Me & Jeremy, Jeanne & Bryant

We caught Brianne singing her heart out to Brian. She turned beet red when she realized we were all watching her. I can't remember if that was this exact moment. Brian always makes the best faces. I am taking voice lessons from Brianne so I know Brian didn't mind her belting.

The Dreaded Candy corn Vampire

This is John & Pat. Pat is the Young Women's Pres. who I talk so much about. I love her, she is great to work with. Her husband is hilarious.

Bryant is showing his bull riding number. Bryant had some pretty sweet moves. We had such an awesome time at the dance. They played the lamest music and when I asked to request a song because I wanted something faster I got an earful from the lady in charge who informed me there were old people here too. So we danced to all of the songs anyways and as Jeanne said in church the next day "we were the floor show."


Larsen said...

Lookin' young and lively like always. Too Cute!

Suzanne said...

you two look exactly the same as you did in college! I'm glad I can keep an eye on you via your blog! (I just found the bushman's through your blog and can't believe it!)

Kaylene said...

That looks like lots of fun. You guys are super cute.

Chad said...

Looks like you guys are having fun! We miss having you in Walla Walla. We won't have a cool Halloween party to go to this year. :(
Hope you're doing well!

Anonymous said...

holy cow! brianne was in my old ward! and she taught people how to sing! crazy tiny small itty bitty world!

Mark and Brittnay said...

You guys look like a couple of hicks. The only thing worse than a hick is a biker couple. Count yourselves fortunate!
