Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beautiful Babies

Here are some recent photos of the girls. It is so fun to see their personalities emerge. Ashley is very full of life and busy. Her newest trick is to gargle her milk while she is eating. She will be really hungry and then stop so she can play. Sierra loves to smile and squeal. She tries out all different octaves and seems to enjoy hearing her voice. As of this week they are both sleeping through the night. Sierra started at 6 weeks old and thankfully Ashley has decided to join her. I don't know what to do with myself now that I get to sleep until I am rested. I keep waking up at 6:30 and forcing myself to sleep longer since they aren't up yet.

Ashley looked so cute in this sporty outfit so we had to snap some shots.

Ashley chillin' in her diaper. I love her rolls.

Ashley in her Sunday outfit 2 and a half months old.

Sierra all beautiful in yellow, 2 and a half months old.

As you can see our brown Lazy boy is the perfect backdrop for every photo. I love that Sierra is leaning so bad on Ashley and she doesn't mind. They are not yet aware of each other, but they have had moments where it looks like they are smiling at each other.

Ashley and Sierra in their Sunday best.

Sierra let Ashley suck on her fingers for awhile. We staged this a bit, but it happened unprovoked in the doctor's office while waiting to get their 2 month shots.

Sierra enthusiastically works out with daddy in the Bjorn.

Ashley and Sierra in their cute workout clothes.

Ashley and Sierra home from church. It is amazing how long 3 hours of church is. Every Sunday I feel like we ran a marathon. We have 12:30 church and so naptime is interrupted.

Our beautiful little family.


BYU 9th said...

i can't believe how big they are getting! they are so beautiful in their pink frills. our house is all about boys, i am the minority!

Anonymous said...

that was kaila

The Pincock Family said...

How fun Laura. I can't believe your girls are sleeping through the night. That is great! You do have a beautiful family. I enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing your girls with us. They are adorable.

jess said...

wahoo. don't you feel like a new woman after a full night sleep. looks like you are doing good. i love you and miss you. you are such an amazing momma...and you look great too. keep up the great work!!

Sara said...

they are getting big SO fast! You are so lucky to sleep through the night with TWO! You go, girl.

Larsen said...

OH! That is just so exciting to see those girls getting all chubby like a healthy baby should be!

I am really happy for you guys! They are sure getting big fast, huh!

the mortensen's said...

Ok, i can't believe they were born hours after Emmy!(erikas baby) they are the cutest chunky monkeys ever!

Steve and Sylvia Bushman Family said...

Oh they are so cute! How is it going? Come and visit so we can hold those girls!!!!! Please!!!! We miss you guys and think of you often!!!! Love ya!

Marky Mark and the Funky bunch said...

I love it!! What cute little girls! We are so happy for you guys. I'm glad everything is going well. Twins rule!!! Love you